
Western Trip/May 9-23, 2008

Friday, 9 May 2008
Depart Andrews AFB for Hickam
AFB and check in at Hilton Hawaiian Village
2005 Kalia Road
Honolulu, HI 96815

Saturday, 10 May 2008
For Island Tour Polynesian Adventure Tours
Highlights include: Diamond Head lookout, Hanauma Bay lookout, Makapuu lookout, Waimanalo, Windward Coastline, Chinamans hat. And We have lunch at Polynesian Cultural Center.

Sunday, 11 May 2008
Free day to explore Waikiki, enjoy beach and nature activities.

Monday, 12 May 2008
I visit Sand Island Coast Guard Station and tour SHIP Jarvis and receive command brief and En route to Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command Hickam AFB. On 1640, I Depart for luau at the Hale Koa and have a dinner at there.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008
This dat I visit U.S. Pacific Fleet,HQ U.S.Army, Pacific at Fort Shafter, HQ USPACOM, MARFORPAC. Busy day.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008
I visit Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies, U.S.S.
Arizona Memorial
VIP Tour and Navy Exchange.

Thursday, 15 May 2008
Depart for Nellis Air Force Base and check in New York New York Hotel & Casino. 3790 Las Vegas Blvd. South Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, 89109. 1-888-696-9887

Friday, 16 May 2008
Visit Nellis Air Force Base, 432 WG. and receive Thunderbirds Mission Brief.

Saturday, 17 May 2008
Depart for Black Canyon Rafting Adventure tours /Outside on the Colorado River for approximately 2.5 hours. Wear cool, comfortable clothes and shoes (waterproof shoes or shoes you do not mind getting wet recommended). Swimsuits may be worn, however the water is very cold. asn then I go to Hoover for Movie and Self Guided Tour.

Sunday, 18 May 2008
Depart for Grand Canyon National Park. On 1430vArrive IMAX Theatre for Grand Canyon
IMAX Film.

Monday, 19 May 2008
Do not attempt to walk from the rim to the river and back in a single day. Distance is deceiving. The clear dry air of the desert makes things look closer than they are. Take food and water on day hikes.

Dehydration occurs quickly in the arid conditions encountered below the rim. Pay attention to water intake. Hikers descend into the cliff-enclosed wilderness on steep trails that can be grueling – all downhill on the way in and all uphill on the return. Think of the Grand Canyon as an inverted mountain. Canyon hiking is the opposite of mountain climbing. The difficult climb and the thin air of the higher elevations come at the end of hike when you are tired.

Pace yourself, know your limits. Take it slow at first and avoid blisters by applying Band-Aids or moleskin to “hot spots.” Allow twice as much time for hiking out as hiking in. First-time canyon hikers average 1 mile an hour going uphill.

Ranger stations are located at Indian Gardens and Bright Angel Campground. Emergency phones are located at several points along the trail.

Distance from Bright Angel trailhead to Indian Garden is 4.6 miles/7.4 km one way
Distance from Bright Angel trailhead to Plateau Point is 6.1 miles/9.8 km one way

Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Depart Grand Canyon for Santa Fe.

Wednesday 21 May 2008
Depart for University of New Mexico via Old Albuquerque Trail and tours of the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, Eclipse Aviation, Old Town Albuquerque. On 1730 I arrive La Posada.

Thursday 22 May 2008
Depart for Jim Gordon’s private gun collection and Matteuci Art Gallery.

Friday 23, May 2008
Depart Albuquerque for Washington, D.C.

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