
Shenandoah National Park-Skyline Drive/20 Oct 2007

On Oct.20.2007 we drive to
Shenandoah National Park. This Park includes 300 square miles of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the southern Appalachians. The park rises above the Virginia Piedmont to its east and the Shenandoah Valley to its west. Two peaks, Stony Man and Hawksbill, exceed 4,000 feet. The range of elevation, slopes and aspects, rocks and soils, precipitation, and latitude create a mix of habitats.

Here also was famous for U.S. Civil War as what we call Stonewall Jackson and the Vally Campaign. The strategy of the Valley capmaign was to prevent McDowell from joining McMclellan on the Peninsual, to frighten Washington into scattering its effective forces on oddensive-defensive operations, and to defend Richmond from the west.

And Harpers Ferry is another story.

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